Welcoming the UnWelcome Wk. #1 Overcoming Polarization

The way not to lose heart Is to realize Everything we do matters.

Welcoming the UnWelcome: A Hive Life Practice
Based on Pema Chodron’s book: Welcoming the Unwelcome

Week 1: Overcoming Polarization

“The time we live in is a fertile ground for training in being open-minded and open-hearted. If we can learn to hold this falling apart-ness without polarizing and without becoming fundamentalist, then whatever we do today will have a positive effect on the future.” -Pema

“…then whatever we do today will have a positive effect on the future.” That sentence really gets me. This immediately feels empowering to me! I do have the ability to positively affect change. Pema suggests some effective ways for working with  our tendency to polarize.

  1. Begin by self-reflecting and noticing the “for” and “against” quality of your thoughts, words and actions. When I (Melissa) engage in this practice, I look for habits of polarization in places that might not be obvious at first. The weather (for or against the cold temps), food (I hate this food, I love this food). Remember, this isn’t the time to judge yourself or chastise your tendency to polarize! Become a Neutral Observer. Make it a game. Reward yourself with a smile and good job every time you catch yourself. The job is to increase self-awareness, not self-denigration. There’s a difference!
  2. Notice and take joy in the moments when you’re not polarizing!
  3. Questions for reflection. Use these questions throughout the day to increase your self-awareness. Maybe write them on a post-it or notecard where you’ll see it often. If you are someone who journals or has wanted to journal, but not sure what to write about it, use these questions as prompts.
    1. Am I perpetuating my sense of being in opposition? If yes, how am I perpetuating my sense of being in opposition?   What are my thoughts like when I am in opposition?

    2. Am I going against the tendency to polarize by lessening the gap between myself and the world? What are my thoughts like when I am aware of my interconnectedness with the world?

 May these practices benefit you and all those you know and love!

Wild Blessings,